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Be as simple as you can, life is better this way
Posted by yog at 1:35:00 PM 0 comments
I was reserved today to accompany someone who was being a temporary nanny..guess who? well u guys don't have to guess since apparently it's Tenze! XD
He made this reservation yesterday..yesterday? er not sure if it's yesterday but who cares! XD So last night i had my earliest get-in-bed-time(i mean since the beginning of holiday of course~), which was 11pm! how early! can u believe that? even myself couldnt believe that i was lying on my beloved bed before midnight..how incredible!! orite..stop barking..wuakakaka^^ u guys must be wondering..why? let me tell u the reason.. since Tenze called me and booked me, he told me that he would be at my hse around 9-10am..so that's why i had to sleep earlier than usual just to make sure that i could wake up in time..
Here comes the next morning(today)..what'd happened? i woke up at 9am(i tot i was late!) but when i rushed downstairs, i couldnt even come across a 2442-Kancil appearing near my hse! anyway, as usual and as a smart guy, sure i used up my precious time sitting in front of the comp watching sth about 星光帮..like when they're invited onto a show being interviewed sth..i've become a superfan of them lately!! i'm totally obssessed with them!! esp.林宥嘉!! his voice is just so special like noone can be compared!! well..just 题外话..XD come bac!! then i carried on waiting..*Tic Tac Tic Tac Tic Tac* time was flowing..and there he came!! with 2 lil fellows sitting in his hindseat..and it was 11.24am sth..but the show started at 11.30am..how? so the smart me decided to go to Cathay for another option..we were about to watch "Alvin and the chipmunks"! an awesome one!!
So when we got there, we bought the tickets..the show started at 1.10pm =.= meaning? 2 more hrs!! so we went to Citymall for a lil walk.. btw, i really have to mention bout the kiddo who Tenze was 'pacifying' XD he is just so cute! and i really have no idea why Tenze kept saying bad bout him haha^^ he's kinda gentle..caring too..how would i know all these? well, while we were 'shopping' at Citymall, the kiddo kept walking by my side like my guardian angel XD and he kept saying sth like "you first" when we were going on an escalator..how polite!! well, perhaps he's been totally fascinated by my appearance (nyahahahahahhaha~XD) not me saying!! Tenze told me that!! he told me that the kiddo'd told him that when i was walking out my hse to his car, the kiddo said sth like,"this gogo is so cool~" *peace out* ^^v *soaring high up in the sky* wooalala~ anyway, bac to the walk at Citymall, we got back to car around 1.40pm and made our way to Cathay for Chipmunks!!
orite, finally we were sitting inside the cinema! how great..waiting for the starting of the show..here the show started..and the first sound came on to me was a beautiful gorgeous acapella of the Chipmunks singing "Bad Day"! how sweet!! well, what could i say? the chipmunks - Alvin, Simon, and Theodore are so amazing!! they're just co sute!! esp. when they're showing their innocent look..and when they're dancing... AARRRIIIIIBAAAHHHHH~~ well, after being attracted by them..Tenze sent me home..I LOVE CHIPMUNKS!!
here's another story, actually i wanted to post this right after i was bac..but..this hell-like comp was going wrong and i couldnt even switch on it!! God damn it!! my mom called a technician to repair it as he found out that there r some problems with USB ports..blah blah blah..(me, computer-idiot) so that's why i can post all these stuff now wuakakakakakaka^^
Btw, i've had a haircut!! a few days ago actually wuakakaka^^ just take a look if u're interested~XD Well, X'mas is coming soon!! Hoo-ray!! it's going to be wonderful!! XD btw, wish u guys a belated 冬至快乐!!
Posted by yog at 11:35:00 PM 7 comments
Categories: Movielicious, Report of Yogurt's daily life
Well, finally, i've received an offer letter from UWA! how thrilling..XD
But, before this, my mom scolded me for being too negligent.. like i didn't care anything about the enrolment of UWA..she said that i was just sitting in front the comp doing sth meaningless instead of applying scholarships, grants, whatever.. she also told me in such ironic way,"u dont want to study already, is it? huh? whenever i ask u to do sth and u always do things in such a slow mo..u shud know that when the offer letter has been sent to u, u have to pay within XX days, tahu? we dont even have suffeicient money to pay for the enrolment fees..don't think that this is a trifling matter.." *POOF POOF BOOM BOOM* the volcano in my heart was erupting!! how could u say such words? i don want to study anymore? ridiculous!! afterwards i kept my mouth shut all way long back-ing home..seriously, i hate that sensation!
yea, indeed, i was mad at her, for a few moments, but i pondered over after that about the attitude when i was dealing with this kind of stuff..i mean uni stuff, i was wrong actually..i should be more aggressive.. well, i did a lot of "things" to remedy my compunctious heart (cleaning my messy room, act like a good boy, blah blah blah..XD) nth why, don't ask me, just do so to let me feel better..wuakakaka^^
anyway, yea~i shud be more active in doing things next time, since i'm a passive dude currently (Daemon's test) hopefully i can alter myself after sometime..(but usually i wont be altering that quick..sure changing takes ages of time!! *smirk*)
Orite, i gotta do my stuff now, haha^^ see ya dudes!
Posted by yog at 4:47:00 PM 10 comments
Categories: Back to the Future, Guilt amputation, Sentimentalitytation
I seriously hate ULCER!
Can u pls just go to hell!
Get out of my face! you schmuck!!
Stop appearing on my mouth!
I hate ULCER..T.T
Posted by yog at 9:58:00 AM 2 comments
Categories: Surging insanity, Totally nonsense
I took my Daemon test..guess what? my daemon is a mouse! a female mouse! its name is Lysandra..nice name..gorgeous!!^^
well, the analysis bout myself has quite a high accuracy.. i'm described as solitary, proud, relaxed, softly spoken and passive..
About my Daemon, Lysandra, she is one of 49996 mouse Daemons within the total Daemon population of 751868.. and there still mentions that human and Daemon are typically the opposite sex..so that's why i got Lysandra^^ (due to the matter of size, so scroll down to the lowest of the page to check out my Daemon..XD)
wanna have ur own Daemon? log on to www.goldencompassmovie.com/ to grab one!
Posted by yog at 7:07:00 PM 4 comments
Categories: Just For Fun
Yea, it's time to untie the "meeting" mystery!! I bet some of u r longing for the answer..XD
well, about the "meeting" i mentioned in the last post..it's actually a Wii-meeting!! Yeah!! Wii Wii Wii~~but we ended up immersing in Cyber-X..wuakakakaka^^
that day Rachel gave me a call while i was watching "Superstar Avenue"..it's a great show btw^^ she INVITED me to a meeting.. a Wii-playing meeting!! sure i was thrilled since i'm dying for one!! Wii i mean..orite, i accepted the invitation and things in the last post happened haha =Þ
the next morning, really early in the morning, we went for a breakfast at Damai then straight we headed to our friend's hse, the Wii's owner - Mr.Yong!! Ole Ole Ole Ole~~
fixing all those cables n controllers stuff, then we started to play.. we had dancing game first..named "Boogie dancing"..some sort of that i guess^^ well, u know~most of us were still freshmeats, we didnt even know how to manage the controller! nyahahaha anyway, Mr.Yong did a demonstration n we paid 200% attention concentrating on his moves..it was super funny though wuakakakakaka^^ we then started to play in turn.. ... .. ... ..meanwhile, some of them were going to fetch Ah Bing (one of our friends), leaving Rac n me in the house.. Yo! Rachel in the house!! Yo! Yogurt in the house!! =.= then the two of us found a song called "Y.M.C.A" n we were dancing like crazy..we'd played the song for 10 times i think..since it's the most rhyhmic one n this song was totally enticing the two of us nyahahahaha^^
after half an hour i guess, they were bac! while the two of us were sweating profusely..like we've been exercising non-stop for the last half hour..XD we had a lot of fun playing that though~after that we had Sports game..Tennis, boxing.. Whew~all tiring one..after playing all these i felt like i've thrown away half of my weight!! seriously!! hoho..anyway, we went to cyber after all these n ended up playing Audition (Rac n me, the other playin Dota)..What A Day!!^^
So..until now..my muscles r still suffering from Wii-ache..
Posted by yog at 12:24:00 PM 6 comments
Categories: Report of Yogurt's daily life
我的心今天总是感觉怪怪的..因为吃了 Old Town Cafe 的Rendang Chicken Nasi 吗? 别开玩笑了~ XD
可能是我本身的一个小毛病吧..话说刚才一位刚动完手术的女士致电我家 XD 她问我明天去不去她男性友人家"开会", 她说那位男性友人传了简讯给我但我没回应..(因我把手机抛弃在房内让它"反省" ^^) 所以她就打过来确定一下我是否出席那个"会议"..
好吧~既然死党开了口..我就鼓起勇气向妈妈提出一个小小的要求..就是向我老妈借车用一天!! 上了楼上..敲了门..把门打开..开始了以下对话:
我: 咪~明天可以借车用一天吗?
妈: 做么?
我: 我朋友约我去他家"开会"..所以..
妈: 我明天下午要用车哦..去CPS有事做..
我: 做什么?
妈: 做东西啦!
我: 酱我怎样去哦?
妈: 叫你朋友载你啦..(拜托!你也知道你家在哪个天涯海角吧..)
我: 哇..谁肯来载我哦..(开始不爽..)
妈: (一脸不耐烦) 我怎样知道jek?!自己找车啦!!
我就轻轻把门关上..其实心里已充满怒气..ARGH!!! 生气什么? 这就是我毛病所在处..当我预了我会做到或得到一些事情时..而结果我却得不到..我会莫名地不爽起来..可能是自己心里面子问题吧 XD 觉得:"有没有搞错?!酱都做不到?!"然后就会顺其自然地把"罪"怪到我妈头上:"有没有搞错?!酱都不借车给我?!"..可怜呐!! XD 可是事后我用尽吃奶的力量..终于让我解决了交通问题..得以在明天去那男性友人家"开会"了..之后就没那么不爽了..
奇怪吧..哈哈..有时我都觉得自己是不是从青山逃出来的逃犯...SSSHHHHH!! 千万别让那疯头疯脑的青山院长TENZE知道我在这里!! OK? wuakakakakakaka^^thanks XD
Posted by yog at 12:44:00 AM 14 comments
Categories: Guilt amputation, Totally nonsense
Why why tell me why =.=
i'm just being curious..i mean recently i've downloaded some movies to quench my boring life..i realize sth inadvertently..really!! not purposely one..trust me!! i'm still naive XD..anyway, the thing i realize is: why guys are protected more than ladies?... .. .. ... got it? orite, just frankly speaking, i downloaded a movie named "American Pie: The Beta House" *smirking* guys out there shud know what i'm talking about nyahahaha XD it's not a wet dream..but u can consider it as one since there r plenty of 18SX-scenes.. i'm not being a lecher what.. it's only a comedy with 18SX scenes.. that's all wuakakaka^^ It's the latest episode of American Pie Series..i didnt expect such a plenty of sexual scenes within as the previous episodes were just showing the funny scenes instead of sexual one..
well, what i was trying to say is in the movie, ladies are naked..totally naked!! i mean some of the scenes..ladies strip off and leave nth on their bodies..not even an undi..so they're actually showing their boobs n 'pussy' at the same time..but on the other side, guys are like protected or what as they're not showing their penis thru-out the movie, ya~sure it's a good thing (nyahahaha XD) but i'm just being curious..i thought girls shud be protected more than guys..shudn't they? like all girls have become cheap sluts in this movie..why ladies in this movie could be so open-minded? why why tell me why =.=
yea i know it's illegal downloading movie in this way..so..sshhh!! XD
HEY!! i'm not a satyr!! i'm just being curious..that's all..i really have to make a vindication here..I'm not a sexual offender!! I'm just being curious..XD just hoping that u guys wont misconstrue who i actually am wuakakaka^^
Posted by yog at 7:45:00 PM 5 comments
Categories: Surging insanity, Totally nonsense
Game rules and regulations
Remove 1 question from below, and add in your personal question, make it total 20 questions, then tag to 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chat box that he/she had been tag. Whoever did the tag will have blessing from all.You must link to the one who tag you, then spread it to 8 people, let’s the game go on, return the tag to sender is prohibited.
Posted by yog at 4:14:00 PM 1 comments
Categories: Tag
Yea, UWA, my dream uni, to enroll, i have to achieve certain level of some tests..like UEC, IELTS..
So, i meet the requirement with my UEC result, which is less than 15 pts for 5 subjects (A1=1pt, A2=2pt etc.) i got 12 pts i think..(Yeah!) the next thing to worry about is my IELTS! a killing one.. since i didnt prepare well for it.. i'm kinda nervous with the coming-out result.. what did i do before IELTS? let me tell u wuakaka^^ i joined our class trip! which was an unforgettable one.. i had no regrets having fun with my classmates right before the day of my IELTS test.. i told myself that if i failed achieveing the requirement, i'll take it and go for a foundation, since i couldnt miss the last oppurtunity fooling around with my buddies! Yea! Way to go!^^
well, IELTS result comes out today, after 2pm..i standby in front of the comp until the clock struck on 2pm..again..my heart beat was like when i was ready to know my UEC result..HELP! i cant stand this anymore! it's torturing! for 2 consecutive days! damn it..anyway, i faced the reality and checked it online since i found that i got no transport to get it myself.. keying in candidate number.. ID number.. date of birth... test date.. ... .... .... ... .. and finally.. a result comes out with candidate number 000369 (that's me!) what i expected was sth like 6 or lower since i did not deliver it well.. wheni opened my eyes and looked at the result.. OMG! OMG! OMG! (that's how i feel) i got overall band mark of 7 for my IELTS! with speaking and listening 6.5, reading and writing 7.. know what? the requirement for IELTS to get into UWA is 6.5! Hooray!! i did it!! i got it!! GOAL!! thank god for looking after me.. real thanks.. although i'm not sure if the result displayed online is correct, but.. who cares! i bet it's correct! wuakakaka^^ thank god.. haha^^i breathe a sigh of relief after all these.. i've made thru it!! XD
Well, the thing left to be worried about is financial stuff.. going to look for some supports from kind-hearted dudes.. cheers! UWA!! Woohooo~~
Posted by yog at 3:11:00 PM 7 comments
Categories: UWA-ing
Early in the morning, around 9.30am i think, someone called to my hse, my grandma picked up the phone, she then knocked on my door vigorously like she found someone dead XD anyway, i was aroused by that anonymous phone call, guess who? yea! my servant was on the phone! he then told me that UEC result has already announced..he checked thru sms one..i was like, what the?! so early?! cause i planned to go to school to check out the result, and passingly have a glance at others' results^^
Orite then, woke up, settling everything down, sitting in front of the comp, logging on 董总 website, but who the hell would expect the server was so busy that i couldnt even make it to the page..fine then~i finalle decided to waste RM2 to check thru sms.. my heart was beating like crazy at that moment..u can hear that if u pay sufficient attention wuakaka^^ well, here comes the result, every part of my body was trembling..shaking..quivering..shivering..it's driving me crazy!! i told myself :"aiya, no matter how u also have to face this in the end.."so i gathered all my courage and observing the sms carefully..*POOF* i was so relieved! not as brilliant as straight A's but i got half of them A! *CLAP HANDS* orite, the next thing to do was to investigate others' results^^
So, i just came back from sch, i made a lil conclusion here..there's no straight A's in our class, even though our top 1, Jackie, he got 8 A1(marvelous!), but with a B3-chinese..what a waste!! for Ren class, no straight A's too i guess.. all those A's belong to Xiao class! there r overall 2 guys 2 ladies scoring straight A's..these peeps r 陈伟荣, 罗佩甄, 苗延秀 & 卢勉添..Congrats!
As u all know there were only 7 A1-Chinese scorers last year in our sch right? This year, there r altogether 19 A1-chinese scorers in S3 Science stream~it's beautiful, isnt it? i didnt count those in commerce class, but i think this is good enough~ *peace out* but there's an utter deterioration in one science subject this year, guess what? it's Chemistry! ARGH!! there r only 8 pals getting A1 for it this year..what a shame..i was kinda upset when i got to know that i had A2 for my Chem..but anyway, it's someone's fault! just figure it out by urself, it's easy~ *smirk*
Well, overally, we (2007 ttss graduation batch) did quite a mediocre job i guess, no serious failures, no superb performances though..it was ok.. so, our sch is working on a distribution list sth, after it's done then we'll see how it actually goes^^and about the slips, perhaps we can get it tmr or some days later since sth wrong's going on with the connection..just wait~ and good luck dudes!~
Posted by yog at 4:24:00 PM 9 comments
Categories: STTSS-ing
scene on the bus..we're heading to Mesilau! hooray!powerful strong wind! funny photo haha^^
kitchen of our lovely chalet~a place where our beloved chefs work out for us..btw, it's Chris in pic^^
dining table..other than that, this table is useful for us to gamble! it's also a casino wuakaka~
one of the bedrooms..yea, it's that messy..it's the same for the other 3 rooms^^
one of the 7 toilets..u can call it tiny toilet or whatever..u cant even lay ur leg down when sitting on the closestool..it's true wuakaka^^
view 1 of our chalet..ppl bbq-ing..enjoying their meal haha..
view 2 of our chalet..taken from the steep path..幕后烧烤手!we wouldnt have anything to eat without them~
yea, as usual, group photo! sigh~memorable one..
well, after that we headed back to kk and back home to get enough rest..so..i know it's too early to say this but i hope that our gathering can occur soon in the future..cant wait to see how everyone changes in the future^^
c ya my classmates! good luck in all of ur future and all da best!
Posted by yog at 1:12:00 AM 3 comments
Categories: Photo Gallery, Zhong'Stuff
hey guys, i'm really having problems uploading photos to my blog recently..just wanna ask if u guys encountering the same matter with me? or i'm the only one facing these stupid problems?
oh god! it really drives me nuts! it has been days i couldnt stuff my photos into my blog..what a disaster! so, just let me know if anyone out there is having the same matter with me..or just simply tell me the solution..that would be much better wuakakaka^^
thanks a lot!
Posted by yog at 4:41:00 PM 3 comments
Categories: Grumbling muttering, Totally nonsense
I know it's a lil outdated bout this but, i still have to do sth with this after all, dont i?^^ YUP! finally, i pick up my mood n decide to write sth bout my class trip - Trip to Mesilau! Yippie! Hooray! *CLAP HANDS* trust me..it's a wonderful trip for me..
27/11/2007 (Tue)
it was my birthday! we gathered at sch around 7am..i received quite a number of gifts from my classmates..so touched T.T they sang me a b'day song when i just got off my car.."i'm lovin it"!! wuakaka^^ then i found out sth they called a surprise..guess what? one of my friend - Joseph..he told me that he wouldn't be joining us to the class trip, i was kinda upset since i thought how nice if it's a 56-person-trip (there are 56 fellows in my class..hold on..it shud be "were"..wuakaka^^) so when i casted a sidelong glance, i came across sth really familiar..yea! u're right! it's Joseph! what a surprise..XD anyway, we got on the bus n went all the way to Mesilau! the bus stopped midway to let us have our lunch..breakfast actually since it was still 10 sth haha..there was where we first did our stupid photoshoot..wind was blowing like crazy and we took a lot of photos n pretending to be blown away..what a scene!^^ we carried on our way..then..there we were! Mesilau! it's freezing cold man there man..trust me..u could really experience winter up there..we took our 'garbage' n walked up the very inclined path to reach our chalet..it was kinda tidy n looked nice..we chose our own bed, after that, time for free activities..then, it was captain ball! the game which i hated the most since i'm the suckest player wuakaka^^ after a fierce struggle between opponents of great disparity..finally..our team lost out! hooray! as a result, we had to march and sing our school anthem at the same time! other than that, we had to clean all the dishes that night..as punishment! after that we got back to our chalet since it was drizzling. after that, we had our first shower up there, u could feel that u're taking a bath in north pole..there wasn't a tiny drop of hot water coming out from the pipe! not even warm water..anyway, it was crazy n feeling great showering in ice! we had fried rice and cabbage with oyster oil as our dinner, specially thanks to our backstage chefs! while i was enjoying my meal, suddenly i heard a b'day song melody..i was shocked..truly shocked! kinda overwhelmed but i hid my expression well wuakaka^^ i was so glad that my classmates were celebrating my b'day! woan lin, one of my buddies hold the cake in her hands.. we sand the song..ate the cake..it was so great! thanks guys! really thank u..well, a trip without gambling isnt really considered as a real trip..so, we gambled that night! i started losing money from then on..i've never won..bad luck i guess^^but it was alright for me cause the most important thing was happy together! cheers! other than gambling, there were still other small groups playing uno spin, mastermind, Nintendo DS, chit-chatting, sauntering around the chalet doing nth, paktoh-ing, sleeping..oh ya! our team members were busy washing all the dishes after the dinner, the tape water was cold like hell, it was totally freezing! we still had to put our hands under the water doing clean-up job..know what? it was hell-like cleaning those oil stains on the plates, since the water was so cold..the grease was totally unremovable!! anyway, we did our job and we went on gambling! wuakaka^^ we played until midnight..everyone was sleepy..only few of us were still sober..who were we? Me myself lo, Rachel nyawz, ah liau, kahyang..what we could do was..GAMBLING! wuakakaka^^ a bunch of desperate gamblers..we went to bed after that..wait,before gambling, in my mind, we were playing uno spin with kanasai, werent we? yea! i remembered that wuakaka..it was kinda crazy too! love it haha^^ anyway, it was still so cold out there..everything was cold..the atmosphere.. the weather..everything..it was 3am sth.....
28/11/2007 (Wed)
Good morning! hell no! dont wake me up! sincce it was still so freezing cold haha^^ i forced myself out of the blanket..cleaning up..waiting for breakfast..breakfast was..porridge! ya..with sth else but i forgot..there were still sandwiches..with kaya..wuakakaka^^ guess what we did after breakfast? yea! GAMBLING! not again..so i knew it's time for me to continue losing money..i was kinda enjoying that hoho^^ pervert.. we went to the waterfall actually other than just gambling the whole daylong..it was only a rivulet.. or sth like a brook instead of waterfall XD the water there..guess what..yea! it's ture! it was totally extremely chilling!! we were trembling when we put our legs in the water..we had a fun time! around 3pm sth, some other classmates had finally arrived! those were the candidates of art..so that's why they were late by one day..but anyway, we had our game right after their arrival..it was truth or dare! one of my favorite games!! wuakaka^^ i was fitted to do one of the tasks..expressing my love to one of my classmate-ah bing's sexy ass! Woooww!! sexy mama!! yea, i did it..no big deal haha..the most thrilling one was the kissing of jackie n chuchee with a bread between their sexy lips! ah Whooooo!! WAIT! there was one more! the most unforgettable..ah liau's sexy posing!!! oh my god!! it was totally freaky!! he's a pro in that!! what the!! wuakakakaa^^ we taped all of these down..as a memory..i'm missing it now..sigh..the happy moments..laughing together haha^^ it was BBQ night!! some of our fellows did the great 'cooker' job..thanks again to them^^ well, it was a coincidence actually some British people enquired us the way to the restaurant..it was kinda tough to simply show them the way thru speaking that way..so we made a bold decision, we brought them there! me, joseph and lolo, 3 of us haha^^ they were friendly, easy-going, so we could communicate well haha^^ nice one! a brand new experience hoho..er, after all those activities..sure before gambling, we went to one small room..sth like a leisure room, we watched tv there..we explored the darkness on the way back to the chalet..sounds adventurous le wuakakaka^^ after that..we gambled gambled n gambled!! at first we planned to stayed awake whole night but we failed..after the stupidest yet craziest game - "007" and "oyi-oyi-ooo", we laughed our ass off!! totally!! like that feeling of laughing around like lunatic..wuakakaka.. then we dropped in great fatigue..then we got into sleep..zzZZzzZZzzZZzz..btw, Joseph did his cantonese slang speaking that night right? or the previous night? not quite remember since i was gambling all the time wuakakaka^^ heard that it was funny too..haha^^
29/11/2007 (Thu)
well, it was day to leave..as usual, we brushed our teeth, eating breakfast, packing our belongings..and ready to leave the lovely chalet..we took a lot of photos too..it's our custom..taking pictures all the time wuakakaka^^ we waited for the bus to come..then, we went to Perkasa hotel, Strawberry farm..fooling around..here n there..riding on the bus n headed back to kk..most of us fell asleep in the bus during the way home..since it was too tiring using up so much energy haha..we reached the Dewan Serbaguna..Damai that one..we separated and balik ke rumah masing-masing..it was a tiny separation of us, yet i felt quite uncomfortable leaving my friends..that night, i missed my classmates so bad..i couldnt even get used to living in my home, sleeping without my classmates around..anyway, i had really really great time at
Mesilau! special thanks to all my classmates for giving me such a memorable unforgettable trip..it was our class's last trip actually..no more oppurtunities for us to gather around n playing like crazy anymore since some of us will be leaving soon..and one of us, Chris, he left to Canada few days ago..sigh~ so, i'm so happy that i'm a part of my class..i'm proud of ourselves!! love ya, S3Zhong!! *muacksss*
Posted by yog at 10:01:00 PM 4 comments
Categories: Zhong'Stuff
"The Christmas Shoes" by Newsong
It was almost Christmas time, there I stood in another line
Tryin' to buy that last gift or two, not really in the Christmas mood
Standing right in front of me was a little boy waiting anxiously
Pacing 'round like little boys do
And in his hands he held a pair of shoes
His clothes were worn and old, he was dirty from head to toe
And when it came his time to pay
I couldn't believe what I heard him say
Sir, I want to buy these shoes for my Mama, please
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry, sir, Daddy says there's not much time
You see she's been sick for quite a while
And I know these shoes would make her smile
And I want her to look beautiful if Mama meets Jesus tonight
He counted pennies for what seemed like years
Then the cashier said, "Son, there's not enough here"
He searched his pockets frantically
Then he turned and he looked at me
He said Mama made Christmas good at our house
Though most years she just did without
Tell me Sir, what am I going to do,
Somehow I've got to buy her these Christmas shoes
So I laid the money down, I just had to help him out
I'll never forget the look on his face when he said
Mama's gonna look so great
Sir, I want to buy these shoes for my Mama, please
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size
Could you hurry, sir, Daddy says there's not much time
You see she's been sick for quite a while
And I know these shoes would make her smile
And I want her to look beautiful if Mama meets Jesus tonight
I knew I'd caught a glimpse of heaven's love
As he thanked me and ran out
I knew that God had sent that little boy
To remind me just what Christmas is all about
Repeat Chorus
The Christmas Shoes Lyrics will surely make you realize that Christmas is also a time that we think of the less fortunate ones among us, and only then can we aim to catch “a glimpse of heaven's love”.This song was published in year 2001(if i'm not mistaken), it's a song for the TV movie "The Christmas Shoes". The story's about a young boy trying to get a pair of Christmas shoes for his dying mother, while a lawyer tries to deal with the break-up of his marriage. Though i havent seen this movie but there's a voice telling me that this is a great touching movie..
My heart was totally melted when i first listening to this song. At first i thought this was some kind of those bubbly christmas songs, so i downloaded it, and i was so surprised..so touched listening to this song, browsing thru its lyric, reveling in the intoxicating melody, humming along...
anyway, it's my first time sharing lyric here..since i find this song really meaningful and inspiring..Christmas is not only for fun and joy, there are atill many wretches out there living in this world waiting for a beam of hope..well, i cant really do anything to help..so, just live your life to the fullest and cherish every little thing you own!
Posted by yog at 4:58:00 PM 4 comments
Categories: Musicity, Sentimentalitytation
再说一次:再见了,浩宇..I'll always miss u, Chris dut fut(the way i call him^^)
Trying to get myself into sleep..hopefully i can make it..night guys~
Posted by yog at 4:42:00 AM 8 comments
Categories: Separation, Zhong'Stuff
Hi guys! havent seen u guys for quite a long long time^^ sure u guys r missing me so bad wuakakaka^^
anyway, i still cant meet the right time to post sth about my class trip, my IELTS, chris's farewell party, ah liau's sister's wedding... whatever that come across ur mind i'll post them here, in future time hohoho^^
So, today's the last day of SPM! hip hip hooray! ~she wants it~ yea, it was chinese paper, no big deal for us =Þ i went into the exam centre with a totally blank mind, my brain was white like a landful of snow..feeling kinda weird yet excited though^^
2 more months to be squandered..wondering what can i do during this 2-month-period.. anyway, just go n see! wuakakaka^^
well, just to post sth here so that u guys won't misconstrue that i'm dead..for those who want me to disappear from this world, i'd like to say sorry since i disappoint u guys wuakakaka^^ just fooling around, no offence :)
so..going for dinner soon, STEAMBOAT!! at putera..haha^^ i'm kinda thrilled since i think we'll have tonnes of fun there..anyway, just anticipating *peace* ^^v orite~see u guys soon! muacks~~~
Posted by yog at 6:11:00 PM 0 comments
Hey guys out there, just for ur information, tmr will be a big big day!! wuakakakaka^^ Yup! u're right! it's my Birthday!! Hoo-Ray!!
anyway, we(me, my mom, my 2 cousins, my mom's fren) went to Toscani's for a celebration..it's kinda like graduation dinner sth..celebrate for my graduation i guess haha..also for my birthday i think..whatever^^ we ordered loads of good stuff.. we got cheesy lobster(yummy!!), we got seafood pizza(it's killing me!!), we got mushroom soup(best soup ever^^), we got Fettucini Carbonara(die for it =Þ), and we got some more appetizers..and i received a red bomb from my mom's fren as b'day present! woohooo!! kinda big one wuakakaka^^ We had our pleasant dinner, everything was going so fine..after all those..the table was cleaned up by the waiter..while i was still wondering why..a waiter holding a cake coming towards me..luckily they didn't sing b'day song!! since last year i had the same experience at Little Italy,my b'day too..the waiter holding a cake n all the waiters sing me a song!! oh my goodness it's totally embarrassing!! haha^^ but at last the other four of my "dine-mate" has sung it to me..happy b'day to u happy b'day to u happy bday to u happy b'day to u~~ *sing along*
we took pictures..eating the mango cake..paying bill..going home..
nth special actually..just that i was a lil bit surprised n i was overwhelmed for a lil while..wuakakaka^^ so feel like sharing this to u guys..this was my pre-birthday^^ actually this will be the first year that i won't be celebrating my b'day with my family since i'm going to my class trip to Mesilau!! haha..
Orite..gotta get in bed..see ya =Þ *Happy Birthday to me!*
Posted by yog at 1:46:00 AM 6 comments
Categories: Report of Yogurt's daily life
"I'm drunk! so drunk! Cause i always thought that drinking is not a big deal, and i'm dying, inside..."(refer to The Beu Sisters - Crushed) *Sing Along*
Yea, i'm risking my life typing these, as i'm going to be unconscious anytime^^
Back to the starting point of this story, just now we were invited to a thanksgiving dinner at Kampung Nelayan, well, quite boring staying in a room forcing myself to open my eyes..after this, we went to Upperstar..
I never thought tat i would order a cocktail again since i had a really bad experience last time for drinking too much wuakakaka^^i planned to order a mango smoothies instead of alcoholic stuff..at last, we ordered a jug of Vodka Lime and a jug of Long Island Ice Tea..n two pizzas too..
Everything was going fine until we decided to play sth horrible..we mixed a lil bit of vodka lime to the glass of long island ice tea, plus another few drops of a smell-like-coffee wine, plus almost half bottle of ketchup..EEWWW!! GROSS!! we played "15,20"..whoever lost had to drink the mixture of shit..my goodness! it just tastes like a bunch of rotten tomatoes with the addition of some sugar..YUCKS!! feel like throwing up whenever i tot of the taste..it really sucks..
After a couple of moments, 6 out of 7 of us were drunk-ing..and the champion went to.....Ah Liau n Sophia!! these two pals were totally drunk and i bet they had no idea what they were talking..it was still like normal but not after we got in the car heading back home..
First start was Sophia, Chris's sister, she kept talking craps and acting like a lunatic wuakakaka^^since this is the first time mr.liau drinks, he became a total drunk hunky dude after a few glasses of cocktail!! i've never seen him like that before hoho.. we all started to act crazily in the car, torturing each other's hair..kept laughing at nonsense..Sophia finally gave up and vomited into a plastic bag haha^^we really worried about mr.Liau since his mom waited for his door and he let his mom seeing his drunken ugly face..Hell no..god bless him from being abused by his mom wuakakaka^^
I feel dizzy right now and there's still drowsiness in my head..I really want to vomit once i tot of the super duper terrible taste of that glass of fucking shit..yucks~ and i'm quite disgusted to alcoholic stuff now since i hate the feeling after drinking so much of them..try getting rid of them pls yogurt yong..wohohoohohooo^^
Well, yea, had a fun time with them..being stupid and fooling around^^ Oh! for ur information, Chris's aunt is the one who fetched all of us home..Let's give her a round applause! *acclaiming* anyway, gotta stick to my bed soon, to avoid thinking of the yuckie buckie horrible terrible vegetable taste..
Orite then.. let's pray for ah liau n sophia..wholeheartedly..*smirk* and..gonna disappear myself from here..see ya!~
"I'm drunk! so drunk! Cause i always thought that drinking is not a big deal, and i'm dying, inside..."
Posted by yog at 2:38:00 AM 6 comments
Categories: Report of Yogurt's daily life
I do..I always grumble..about how toilsome i've been..how penniless i am..
yea, i do that quite often..murmuring at dispensable nonsense..as i always feel that i'm the most unfortunate guy in this world..perhaps i'm not..yet i always think so..for no reason..pathetic huh..
I used to think that way..but for now..
For sure, there're much more poorer and pitiable ppl..than me..in this world..and that's why i'm here..inspired by sth..leaving it here..
Everyone has a dream i guess, yea, it's a wonderful thing to pursue ur very own dream..imagine that one day u have to, and u ought to abandon ur big dream..for the reason that u're confronting economical matter that u can't afford the tuition fee..and for the reason that u have a family to take care of since u're the one who supports all the outcomes and consumptions of the family..and also for the reason that u have a lil 7-year-old bro to attend to..
So if u persevere on pursuing ur dream, ur family might be ruined cause of u..u're bearing a huge responsibility to ur family but u're just a teenager who r much more mature with ur same-age-fellows..since u're forced to face all the problems that u're encountering too early..at least for ur age..it's too early..in the end..u're still a teenager, who supppose to talk about ur dream n achieve it!! but too bad, it's a tough decision for u to make..
A teenager who wants to save the world, but his dream's broken up by the responsibility to his family..
I feel that i'm so lucky to be born in such happily-ever-after-family, need not to be apprenhensive about financial stuff at least, pursuing my dream as i like to..
Well, i said that i do always complain about everything that i've actually already had that others have not..i'm still discontented with all these..what a jerk i am..
Hmm, i'm not giving any solutions or suggestions here..just to express my feelings..n frankly speaking, i couldn't overcome all those problems if i were the guy who's suffering from those..thank god..yea, i esteem the perseverance of the guy facing those problems..it's totally not an easy thing..
Yea, just to drop sth here to remind u guys to appreciate what u've already owned, cherish what u've already got.. That's the pathway for not losing sth that might cause u regretful for the rest of ur life..
P/S: To the guy who inspired me( i think u know who u r haha), no offence, don't mind^^
For the others, just ignore me if u find that this post is blurry..have a nice day^^
Posted by yog at 12:57:00 AM 9 comments
Categories: Sentimentalitytation
Hey people out there! long time no see! sure u guys r missing me..i know this..wuakakakaka^^
Well, no post for yesterday..since i had to prepare for chemistry subject for today..anyway, i slept at 1 sth i think with a few hour of "fishing pre-sleep" wuakakaka..
Orite, straight to the point..today is Chemistry day! kinda big day for me since this's the only subject that i think i can score well(uinah! hoho^^) anyway, there altogether 3 papers for Chemistry, we were so glad when the KINDEST(stupidest..wuakaka) teacher walked in our class invigilating us..we had a great time for Paper 1..for PAPER 1 ONLY!! after that, we tot we would have some goodies..who would ever tot that for the following 2 papers..we definitely tided it over like hell!! during paper 2, when the invigilator(smart one..) went outside the class talking to someone..i immediately pulled my answer for other's reference..SUDDENLY, the invigilator turned her head n she saw what we were doing!! Thank god for letting her seeing all these..HELL NO!! when she came in again, with smiley face... smirking face better, she pulled my desk to the front-est of the class!! i was like.."what r u doing?!" anyway, i did my paper at the front of the class for the following hours..SIGH..anyway, new experience..shud appreciate it lol^^
During paper 3..worse!! the head invigilator i think..came in our class in the beginning of the paper..pulled my desk to the wall!! he was like forcing the table to smash its head against the wall..yea some kind like that..i've hated that MORON since the first day he walked in our class..EEWWW!! go to hell..
Yea, SPM invigilators..some of them i mean, r getting cleverer than the old days..how come? anyway, running out of time now..gotta catch'up with my moral buddies..or else i'll get boomed!! orite, will see u guys soon!! *POOF*
Posted by yog at 10:38:00 PM 5 comments
Categories: STTSS-ing
I'm pissed!! totally pissed off!! Never thought that i'm defeated by SPM!! the suckest exam in the history..feeling sucks..
Where to start? well, i think we have to get back to last night..when i was studying for a.maths, at the same time, blogging joyfully=Þ i planned to finish at least a set of past year paper..but i failed to do so(yea..this always happens on me..nth special haha) n stick myself automatically to my bed since my bed is so enticing..i then closed my eyes n slept like a pig with headful of self-assurance since in my mind: "Cheh! SPM only.." after that, i slept..haha^^
Nth happened after the 1st paper, but..here came the problem..while working on paper 2, at the beginning, Wah! confident! time was flowing anyway, i realized that n forced myself to do faster..faster!! time was runnning out!! i was sweating profusely..bleeding profusely..wish i could shout at that moment..Orite..the important part, i still hadn't finished when the invigilator stood beside me waiting to collect my paper!! HELL NO!! This couldn't be real!! i couldn't even finished a SPM paper?! i counted after that..approx. 20 marks flew away from me!! god damn it..the invigilator giggled when i showed her a giving-up-innocent-helpless-face since i couldn't finish it..haha =Þ
Luckily, this is just SPM..there's still an A2 for 70++ marks..thank God~wuakaka^^ yea, SPM's not that important for me though..yet it's still a Sijil Pembaziran Masa that as a Malaysian u shud have one^^ but..who cares if u don't have one haha..
Whew~ much better after writing all these..just to spam sth here..to express..EXPRESS my feelings..haha^^ 4 more subjects to go..tmr will be half of us's funeral..feel free to attend this grand ceremony at Sabah Tshung Tsin Secondary School..we'll die an unnatural death..murderer will be Physics! the serial killer of Zhong!! yea..whatever =Þ
Thx for listening to my grumble anyway pals out there! i'll see ya at the same time tmr evening..topic will be "Physics-the killer"..thank u for watching, will see ya'll soon..
Posted by yog at 7:06:00 PM 55 comments
Categories: STTSS-ing
I'm bored! by what? bored by studying for SPM! it's just plain boring..so i decided to come up here talking some crapz then i'll get back to the stupid study^^
Just now my mom n i went out for dinner since my grandma flew all the way to hk so noone cooking for us..before dinner my mom had a massage appointment so i had to squander an hour wandering around just to wait for her..gosh! it would be orite if the rain didnt come n find me..the bad news, it was raining so heavily! and i still had to drive in the gigantic rain..so romantic huh=P anyway, i then went to ee chuen's hse, planning to give her a surprise(since ee chuen's hse's just nearby the place my mom massage)..who would know tat she was not at home! the worse thing: she was at her fren's hse in Kingfisher! Nvm then..i went to find joseph after tat..borrowing a.maths book from him, studying at his hse..haha^^ i don wan to waste any of my precious time ma..so i did tat..though it sounds quite senseless=Þ
Well,after all these, finally! it's time! picking up my mom..then we went to E-West for dinner(thank god! i was deadly starving haha)..we ordered set dinner..mine was a western set while my mom's was an oriental one..ya, they werent costly, but 一分钱一分货..the food just totally sucks!! i wondered why it changed that much..since the food there tasted good when i was young haha^^ we committed a crime to our bodies, sorry, my intestines, for giving u such horrible things..(lunatic..)
Ya, i'm back to my home now! Thank God once again.. luckily we didnt food-poisoned eating those yuckies! hoho^^ So, i'm now sitting in front of the comp again..but i have books too in front of me! yea! good boy! =.='' working on a.maths for tmr..though i was sleepy right now..NOW! but since i havent studied for past few days, totally..so, just doing sth to make myself feel better haha^^
Yea, that's all..desperate for more? just wait for some more days..waiting is good for ur health wuakakaka^^ will see ya'll soon!
Posted by yog at 7:30:00 PM 2 comments
Categories: Report of Yogurt's daily life
事先声明, there r 52 pictures in this post(excluding our Zhong's family portrait)..U must be curious to ask..where r the other 4 guys? Need not to say i'm one of the 4 haha^^ so where r the other 3 guys? well, I really have to apologize to these 3 unlucky dudes : Jiaming, Teenie n Shirley~Sorry~~haha..Jiaming's picture is at someone's camera..will get it soon if i find out who tat pal is^^For Teenie n Shirley, i'll re-take with u guys without gown one..to compensate u wuakaka^^Enjoy~~
全体高三忠毕业照Woan Lin~14 yrs of friendship since kindergarten^^The best monitor ever!
my husband, AHA chicken rice haha=Þ the most fearful elephant in the world^^
Joseph!husband to Gamova..he's the most idiotic yet handsome son of a priest ever i guess..wuakakaka^^
Rachel! Nyawz! a.k.a Mrs.Orlando Timberlake..Never underestimate this Dude..she looks pretty but she can also be the UGLIEST! try to figure it out haha^^
Elaine! a sporty dark-skin-girl..likes to laugh..but she laughs in quite a different way..her head vibrates when she laughs!
This guy has almost the same name as mine, we call him Ah Jet..though he was born 1 yr later than us, he's one of those stalwart guys in class!
Have u ever seen a woman like her? she can discuss porno stuff wv guys w/o blushing! she's 慰诗 a.k.a 自慰棒^^
郡郡!she got this name cz of her cute voice!
Never argue wv her, u wont have the chance to win as she's a future lawyer~
Fanny! a funny gal..with a super-straight back..haha^^
Ah Lu! i used to call her tat haha^^she's quiet yet brilliant!
she's 小薇,the song "小薇" is made for her..haha^^
Chak Chak Chak Chak!!he used to be pendiam but he's not anymore..he's playful n crazy! ya..a future pilot too..
0+0!!yea..she's the one haha^^
Michelle, a pretty, fashion gal
Harald! he always hav a plenty of questions..he's friendly though haha^^
Ah Lai!a big guy..he's gay..his bf is WC(慰诗)..hoho^^
Elroy Nicholas Ray! the craziest guy i've ever met! haha^^
Elvin,re-born Ghandi, his mission is to save Malaysia..lol..
Wan Kian~he's sporty n intelligent..he's popular too! wuakakaka^^
Superstar Ethan! wowowowowow!!
Jasmine~the craziest yet pretty woman~she's screaming all the time^^
Kah Yang! she's totally a laughing bomb..she looks like a competent woman who isn't capable of nth
bumi kiddo..Chris~the cutest guy in class haha^^
Filipino Liau! he's an illegal immigrant..lol~he's the funniest guy haha^^
十项全能 无所不能 入得厨房 出得厅堂的好男人-OH~
想到楚棋必定联想到 毛茸茸 这三个字^^
Jasper! 足球老手..自认为很大只..哈哈^^
阿炳!a.k.a Charles,cyber 是他第二个家..lol~
TOP 1 student-Jackie! 这个真的真的不是盖的..他的聪明才智是你无法想象的..Hmm..
The purest gal left on earth, she has an innocent heart like Juana, she's pretty too^^
Jolin 接班人..叶贝贝~
LoloLO! the tallest gal in the world haha^^always bullied by me wuakaka^^
Solid QIANG!the most responsible monitor ever,he's the big brother of our class~
牛高马大却有着天使般可爱的声音-Lemon Zai!!
Renge! Soon! whatever haha^^她的文笔还不赖呢~
30 days of night 的男主角, Ah Lam~
Emmelly Akom! used to spell her name wrongly haha^^
请各位以最热烈的掌声欢迎这位名不见经传的 Kanasai!!锵锵锵锵!!
Proliew! 别看他个子小小,他可是the top 10 richest man in sch~wuakaka^^
不笑最帅,一笑就不自然的走样大帅哥-飞龙在天 Alex Sii~
Well, about this guy, 不用我多说了吧? log on to luckywinter.blogspot.com 探查他的身世吧!haha^^btw, this guy is my loyal servant hoho^^
Posted by yog at 2:22:00 PM 7 comments
Categories: Photo Gallery, Zhong'Stuff